Thursday, 26 May 2011

Digital Manipulation - adding a selection to an image

I took my 'Dreamy' image and experimented with blending modes overlaying the image with a selection (part of) the overall image:

This is the original Dreamy image.

I used the marquee tool to select a portion of the image, as a new layer.

Then using colour balance I adjusted the coloured sliders of the selection, as a new adjustment layer.

Taking the sliders to their extreme shows how vivid the colours become.  This is too much.

This is better.  After adjusting the sliders for colour I  selected 'overlay' in the blending modes, which superimposes the top layer onto the base layer, while preserving the highlights and shadows of the bottom layer. I also adjusted the opacity indicator.  I like these colours because it is highlighting the scene.

I am pleased with the new look.  The colours are more vivid which brings it alive, while still keeping the dreamy look.

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