Thursday 23 June 2011

Audi Channel: Designs for Life : Charlie Waite - research for theme 2

I have looked at the work of Charlie Waite on line and by book......

This is a screen grab of an image of him from the video above, working in the field, taking photographs of flowers which is what I have focussed on in theme 2, The closer View:

I like this picture showing Charlie out in the field because it is nice to see the photographer with their set up ready for taking the shot and it would be unusual to see ourselves in the picture doing that.  The scene is lovely with bold colour which I like.  It looks like a sea of poppies and he is obviously taking a shot of   a poppy/poppies close up.

shutter 1/1328 aperture f4.0 iso 100 Fl 105mm

Sandwich has a similar composition to Charlie's except I am not in the scene.  I have shown this image here in this blog, even though it is part of my theme 1 work, because it is similar, and it shows how similarly my 2 themes can come together (close up subjects in a scene, can also make part of a full scene if the shot is taken and re-composed by differing the distance to subject) .  It depicts bold colour within its setting.  I took it near a brook (see Babbling image) not far from home.  I had wanted to capture a sea of rape seed.   My sky holds more detail than the one above,  and I see it as the bread, the rape seed as the butter,  and the tree sandwiched between.

Open Poppy
shutter1/200 aperture f.4.0 iso 100 FL 105mm

I didn't find a sea of poppies but in someone's garden I found a few odd ones blowing in the wind and showing their insides.  I captured this one just right to show the inner fur ball, which I found had interesting shape, pattern and texture.   Again it depicts bold colour, this time set against a plain background, which is what I have been searching for to put the emphasis on just the flower, in connection with my study of Heather Angel's work too.  I have found that I like to shoot close flowers on a wide aperture throwing the background into blur.

Charlie Waite is an English landscape photographer noted for his 'painterly' approach in using light and shade.  This interested me because I have been trying to emulate a painting sort of effect with my flower images.
He worked in theatre and television for 10 years before becoming a photographer.  He has wrote many books, one of which I have, entitled "Light and Land" and runs a photographic tour company of the same name.  These worldwide tours and workshops are ran with other top photographers like Joe Cornish and David Ward. 

taken by Charlie Waite

I love his above scene and the way the eye is drawn through to the light area, and the way the light area if part of a frame within a frame.   It would appear I am drawn to colour and bright light and  I think parts of very bright light can make an image very effective. 

Tree legs
shutter 1/40 aperture f7.1 iso 200 Fl 24mm

'Tree legs' comes from when I stood inside a tree and saw the bright light shining through from outside.   Again the eye is drawn to that area.  I liked the close detail of the trees legs with its colours, texture, form and pattern.  The image also shows perspective taken from this angle.

taken by Charlie Waite

This is another perspective look that I liked.  It looks like a leaf cloud is sweeping through Charlie's wood scene.  The eye is focussed on this cloud of striking leaf structure.   This image helped me form an idea for my manipulation assignment too (Fantasy brook).

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