Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974
The Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 , also referred to as HASAW or HSW, is the primary piece of legislation covering occupational health and safety in the United Kingdom. The Health and Safety Executive is responsible for enforcing the Act and a number of other Acts and Statutory Instruments relevant to the working environment.
The full text of the Act is available at the UK legislation website - Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974
This is current at September 2006. Please see the Disclaimer.
Statutory instruments are the secondary types of legislation made under specific Acts of Parliament. These cover a wide range of subjects, from control of asbestos at work, diving, escape and rescue from mines, ionising radiation and working at height.
See Legislation enforced by HSE for more details.
If you need further advice on legal matters concerning the workplace, please contactHSE Infoline or consult Sources of information and external advisory services.
The information on this site is regularly updated and checked for accuracy and completeness. However it is important to note that legal information must be used with a degree of caution.
Users must be aware that whilst an Act or Statutory Instrument (SI) may still be in force, parts may have been superseded by later legislation or completely withdrawn. If you use a printed or online version of an Act or Statutory Instrument this will generally be in the form that it was originally produced.
Any withdrawn or amended sections will still be contained within the Act or SI and there will be nothing in the document to identify those sections that no longer apply.
There are several solutions which you can try:
- seek advice from HSE Infoline.
- seek independent legal advice.
ReplyDeleteAs we discussed you now need to add some information of when you applied some of these values in a practical way whilst out shooting.
Also remember to include the wildlife and countryside act, and the sites of special scientific interest (SSSI) as well.
ReplyDeleteMore research please along with images of theirs, also can you make sure that both themes are being equally covered.
plus more labels please as we looked at last week.
Safety training gives you and your employees the safety knowledge needed for a safe and successful business. A comprehensive safety training program is necessary in today’s competitive global marketplace.
Health and Safety Training.