Sunday, 6 March 2011

New Statement of Intent for new Theme 2 - The Closer View

                                                   Title of theme 2:  THE CLOSER VIEW

Intentions/purpose of the photography to be undertaken:

I intend to do 'The Closer View' of nature as my theme 2, so that my theme 1 will be an overview of nature and my theme 2 will be the Closer View of it.  The purpose is to enable me to experiment with closer photography and outline the intricate texture of nature and hopefully achieve images I will feel pleased with and are suitable for this level 2.

Reasons for selection of theme (including aspiration from the work of others):
I have felt inspired by a recent homework task set and the way it got me thinking differently about subject matter from a closer aspect.  Also whilst doing Level 1 I  found myself wanting to home in closer to texture details, like that of tree bark. A recent visit to NEC Photo Imaging course also influences my decision, together with research books.

The photo imaging equipment and medium that will be used and why:
I will be using the equipment as detailed in blog "The Kit",  as it is good equipment and I can get in quite close with the lens I currently have.  However I do not rule out the fact that I may want/ need another lens in the future, whether it be a prime closer one or macro, we shall see.

Techniques that will be used to convey the visual message:
I will be experimenting with subject matter and controls of my camera and equipment to get in closer than my images for theme 1. I may do a full view of a scene for theme 1, and then take some details that comprise that scene to home in close on for this theme.  I will be checking the results on the computer once I have taken the shots.  I hope to learn as I go along within this new area, purchasing any new equipment as and when, if necessary.  I will be looking for cameos to photograph  for this theme during times out taking photos for theme 1.

How light quality can be used to help convey the visual message:
I plan to use ambient light and no flash, mostly daylight hours,  adjusting camera controls accordingly to achieve best effects.  I may add more lightness in photoshop, post capture, if necessary.

Safety considerations:
 I will be careful with my equipment and its handling and not try to carry too much equipment at any one time.   I will follow any rules of grounds that I may visit.   I will keep all my equipment dry if caught out in bad weather.  I will not stray too far off the beaten track when alone and will always carry a mobile phone.

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