Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Theme 1 (developing ideas) Mertle

I have started practising at home, as Steve suggested, with Mertle my cat outside in the garden:

                                    shutter 1/50 aperture f4.0 iso 400 focal length 105.0mm

I was cleaning the house when I opened the back door to shake the duster outside and as I did so saw Mertle posing by the tree on the fence.  I was saying to her 'please stay there' as I rushed back in to grab the camera and quickly tried to focus using the above settings.  I only managed about 3 shots before she moved and this was one of them.  I loved the fact that she is in a nature type scene.  It's like she had popped herself there for me within a nice frame of bordering greenery. Im not so keen on the wire fence. Unusually she looks like she is standing in thin air as the dark area does not show the continuence of the wooden fence.  This coupled with the way the fence looks disjointed adds interest I think but I was unsure if the disjointed fence was distracting from her? so I cropped in a little:

This shows more of her details and the way her green eyes match some of the greens in the photo.  I also like the details on the tree.  I wondered if I should have cropped in further, but sadly on closer inspection, Mertle was not as clear, due to the camera being hand held and me probably rushing to set controls and had some camera shake.   I do quite like the scene as a whole though.

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